Introduction & section links

Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2021


Our intention is to accelerate the transition towards a world in balance.

The articles deal with the individual, society, and nature, looking at the past, the present, and the future. The starting point is the question of how the earth can be preserved as a habitat for humanity and how all people can be enabled to live in dignity.

Applying the first principles thinking to these questions leads to a set of actionable answers, which are given in the NEXT section.

The following table gives an overview of the planned articles. Some content and numbering may still shift.

Quick Links to the articles per section

1./2./3. When life on earth was last in balance…

4. When human suffering began…

7. Suffering is individual and You and your theatre of the world and The anatomy of the psyche

8. Nature belongs to all of us and High consumption without compensation is fraud on the public

9. The value of nature

11. and Goals for a better future of humanity and Joe Rogan, where are you?

14. We the people…

